Policy Research
We are experts on designing, managing, and undertaking economic development policy research. We undertake strategic as well as commissioned policy studies and we provides research services to a broad range of Stakeholders, mainly the Government, Development Partners and Think tanks. Through our direct commissioning and individual contracts, our work spans the following main thematic areas of focus.
- Trade policy and regional integration (transit trade, women in trade, cross-border trade, quality standards and sanitary and phytosanitary -SPS issues, trade in services; and trade facilitation audit).
- Small business (SMEs) growth diagnostics (Productivity and livelihood analysis, Informal sector and Household enterprises, Competitiveness and Economic Transformation).
- Innovation policy.
- Green Industrialization.
- Special Economic Zones.
- Agricultural productivity (post-harvest losses).
- Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs) and Growth and Poverty Alleviation.
In addition to conducting policy research, we have hands-on experience in:
- Economy wide models using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis.
- Econometric modelling and estimations using a variety of statistical software (e-Views, etc.).
- Statistical analysis using stata, SPSS.
- Large scale survey techniques including use of Tablets applications.
- Qualitative analysis.